Friday, August 2, 2013


Dexterity  Part 1

My husband has been pestering for days now for me to cut his hair....
I just cut my younger son's hair this morning.....

I had been putting off doing my husband's, as I have been noticing in recent weeks, how my hand and finger dexterity is diminishing.
I am not speaking of my left hand...that has been a problem for at least two years now (having been one of  my initial symptoms for the ALS.)
I am speaking, about the NOW noticeable beyond a shadow of a doubt......changes in my right hand.
Difficulty in opening things from boxes, jars to plastic baggies etc. and holding things.....
You cannot tell.....too much reading my posts on this blog as I constantly am self-correcting my typing here on the computer.  That is frustrating.

I rarely do handwriting these days.....
I used to enjoy calligraphy and I took pride in my penmanship........

I learned needlework from my mother when I was a young child.....and had to  give that up....

Zipping, unzipping is something my husband helps me with.....just one thing of many things he helps me with.
Turning pages in books another problem....glad I have a NOOK/Kindle.

More problems include but are not limited to dressing/undressing,  turning keys and door knobs, gripping, picking up small objects, using utensils such as knives, hair brushing (&teeth) can hardly use tweezers etc. etc.

I even dread writing and signing checks these days....not only with all the money being is a lot of physical work.   Seems silly?  !

Like eating,,,,,, I switch back and forth between hands when using utensils etc..   <That along with chewing (my tongue does not co-operate) and all,,,,,,,,,,,it has become tiring.

Back to my hair-cutting skills.   I have cut hair for my husband and kids most of the time for the past 30 years, an ECONOMY related habit that continued....
  When the older son moved out 4 years ago, he started going to a 'salon' as it was just too inconvenient to make the drive to our home for that.   So, that is one less head of hair for me to coif....
The younger son was pleased with the results of today's cut.....
But, I was more than a little nervous doing it......the electric razor has seemingly gained a couple pounds of weight....and I do not have the control over its I would like to have....:(   NO mishaps.....:O  this time.....but that was by shear luck.
I left the kit out on the counter.....will try to do my husband's hair tonight after he gets home from work.
IT IS I CAN just to a 'buzz' cut....and get away with it I think.
HE does not have that much hair now-a-days anyway/////////!

Then....there is the hair=care  for the 4 dogs. (They have their own razor kit).    I took a short grooming course a number of years back, and though the breeds (Labs & Gld. Ret) we have do not require a lot of fuss in coat maintenance, we trim whiskers, claws and on the Gldn. Ret. the hair in between her toes and hind legs and around the ears.  Mostly, it involves a lot of combing and brushing.  They all shed A LOT.

Cutting my HUMAN family members is not that enjoyable of a task......
On the other hand......
the dog rather therapeutic most times, for both the dogs and for me I think :)
A bonding moment.....especially when, I praise them for their co-operation (they aren't always in the mood...esp when there is nail trimming involved) AND even better for them when I pass out the doggy treats !

OH, in a post note:   My mother resides with us.  She has cut her own hair for years.  For awhile after breaking a wrist, she had difficulties with this task. She did not want to go to a, asked me to cut it for her.
I was reluctant, as I had not cut hair of the female gender since our daughter lived at home well over 20 years ago......
Mom convinced me to cut it.....which I did using mostly the electric razor..................
I will tell you, it ended up RATHER SHORT......
she has not ever asked me to cut it again.................:)

UPDATE 8/9/13     ---- My husband was happy with his haircut.
As to my mom, I mentioned checking locally to see if there is a hairstylist who would be willing to come out to the house to do her hair.....all she needs is a good cut.  That will last for many months, and would be cost effective I think.

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