Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday April 8, 2-14

 HAPPY 86th BIRTHDAY to my MOM > Joanne Apple  :)  I love you !  Thank you for being there for me.

There, now on to my new blog.

This blog is entitled> ALS/JournalLKC because I needed a place to share my life information with others concerning my recent diagnoses of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.
I could do so via facebook, but, I prefer to have a separate location that I can be more in depth concerning my personal issues that I am facing with this disease.   I hope, that, somehow it will be a positive therapy venue for a negative situation....for me as well as others who read my writings...  In particular, my family and friends AND others who have this disease and/or their caregivers.

I should have began this venture several months ago, probably when I first had that instinctive feeling that  'something more was wrong with me than the diagnoses of diabetic neuropathy  that neurologist "A" told me I had...'   
That, was in approximately October of 2012. 

August (?) 2012 age 58
As you might guess from the photo, I was pretty active in the home & family venue.  That is just a small sampling of our canning.  It has always been a family affair, starting in the garden and ending up in the pantry for on the dining table along foods we would dry/dehydrate and occasionally freeze.
As for me, I pick this interest up from my mother who gardened and grandmother Maude Cryder who  did that as well as canned. My husband from his grandfather who gardened and mother/grandmother who canned.  Not only do we get great food, but a sense of pride and self worth that we pass along to the next generation :)


  1. A friend of mine who has ALS and also blogs is Bill Croy, retired minister from Maple Grove Methodist in Columbus. His blog is here:

    I live with an incurable terminal illness of a different sort, so we are on some of the same paths as we move through life. You have my support.

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