Must do some shopping this week.
One of the areas I visited at the ALS Clinic in Cleveland this week was Physical Therapy where "Matt" took assessment of my current physical condition and then advised me of things I should be doing as well as NOT doing. He discussed/showed me devices that would be helpful for me to have and to use now as well as in the future.
I had already been given a prescription for and fitted with what is called an Otto Bock WalkOn Brace for my left foot/ankle to assist in correcting the 'foot drop'. I have been having trouble with this for the past year+.
Foot drop happens sometimes, in the case of ALS, when the nerves that help to 'operate' movement in the nerves that control muscles in the foot, ankle and leg are affected and no longer work as they should.
I have it in the left foot/ankle/leg...the side of my body that so far has the predominant effects of the disease.
The dorsiflection is affected in that, I cannot lift the foot upwards, the big toe and the two toes next to it 'drag' when I walk and I have limited movement of these toes and foot/ankle.
This causes the 'foot drop' when I walk or attempt to climb steps. My toes turn under and catch on the floor surface esp.when not wearing shoes, sometimes causing me to trip/stumble or even fall. Just the catching of the toes can be quite painful. This can be an additional problem in trying to climb stairs, as it causes me to 'trip' as I step upwards when my foot/toes drop. Climbing is already a problem due to other muscle 'fatigue' and respiratory issues.
This particular brace, is made of carbon fiber and works as sort of a spring effect lifting my foot/ankle as I walk. It is very lightweight though very strong.
Matt has suggested that I wear this most of the time....(well, not without shoes on & I MUST wear an insole OVER the device so as not to cut my foot w/the carbon fiber).
Which means I will have to go shoe shopping.
As, so far, I have been able to fit the prosthesis into one pair of shoes, my Ryka sport style walking shoes. (I have high ^^ arches, so also wear an insert for that.) Not particularly flattering in style, but what I wear most of the time WHEN I wear an enclosed back shoe. I otherwise tend to wear Birkenstocks or similar most of which are open in the back and I have not tried the brace in the other enclosed shoes that I have....
And now....
guess the negotiated > NEGOTIATED cost of this item.
Our insurance DID pay the majority of the cost, as we have met the deductible for the year at this point (it has been an extremely costly year for us out-of-pocket).
YES, the device helps...quite a bit!
I have lost that sort of pirate swagger I had developed...drunken pirate swagger.
I feel more stable on my feet.
So, as Martha Stewart would say, "This is a good thing!"
If, I could only find a sort of device to rid me of the voice of the drunken pirate!!! I now know what the reference to those persons who 'appeared' to be inebriated are all about....
and that, they are not drunk at all....just poor souls who have some sort of neurological issue so that they sound that way (& look that way).
And, I understand those persons' frustrations trying to speak and make themselves understood....and hence...
some of them become so frustrated they not only sound like the drunken sailor but speak the language laced with a few obscenities thrown in. THOSE are the words the listener understands for some reason.
Today, I will be spending time on the 'net' - Amazon, looking for a head-drop neck collar brace....
Matt said to start out with a foam style and, eventually I will be graduated to a metal brace to hold my chin up off my chest......I tried one out at the clinic. Perhaps by the time I need one, I can get it in colors or patterns like the newer walking canes I see at the drugstores....Pink paisley would be nice. I think I would skip the ones in the peace-symbol-psychedelic color...
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