Thursday, April 11, 2013

weather report:  LOTS of rain and windy and the temperature high was in the upper 50's the day I began taking 1 each  Ritulek tablet  twice a in the early morning around 5:30 a.m  and the second timed to take at about  6:30 p.m..  The morning dose has to be had 1 hour prior to eating in the morning and the evening dose, 2-3 hours after eating....
It is quite a balancing act  to get those in at the correct time with the other prescriptions I still take PLUS the regimen of  vitamin supplements the neuro doctor  has added to my list.
It has gotten annoyingly difficult to swallow some of the larger size pills as it causes choking.  Some I am able to split.  I will look into the possibility of crushing some,,,that I am allowed to crush. Some, I may be able to add to applesauce to help in swallowing.
In my case, I have had quite a problem (worse some times than others), with dysphagia...chewing, swallowing, choking and talking issues (dysarthria).  This led to aspiration pneumonia last Novemeber.
Then, later I was told I had a parylized left vocal cord.  Later, that was revised to having an issue of not being able to have coordination in the lifting of the voice box etc. during the swallowing phase in combination with natural breathing function that would take the natural sequence for first preference.  This is due to the death of the nerves that control that function.  It will probably eventually lead to having a tracheotomy for breathing, and a PEG ....feeding tube, inserted in my stomach to be sure I can get proper nutrition when eating by mouth becomes too difficult.  THOUGH, I will be able at times, to still consume food by mouth  even with the PEG intact.

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